
Inspired from macOS spotlight, floodlight is simple JS library that will show a search area. How the search is handled is completely on you.

You can register any key. To trigger, it will bind an event with your specified key and key combo | Important: esc closes floodlight! | | --- |


From CDN

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/rajnandan1/floodlightjs@1.0.7/dist/floodlight.min.js"></script>

From NPM

npm i floodlightjs

Demo + Documentation

Live instance of Floodlight



let fl = new FloodLight();


import floodlight from 'floodlightjs'
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    let fl = floodlight();

Basic Usage - Implement a call to a function a

The below code implements a function that will trigger an alert box with a Hello World. It will listen for the a key. When someone presses a it will run.

let fl = new FloodLight();

//this takes to parameters. first parameter is the `key`, second is the description
let cmdHelloWorld = fl.addCommand("a", "Alert hello world");

//Implement a function that would handle the query
let helloWorld = function() {
    alert("hello world")

//Add the action for a command. Takes a function as first param

//Start floodlight. It will start listening

Basic Usage - Implement a quick google search g

The below code implements a google search using floodgate. It will listen for the g key. When someone presses g it will show a search box.

let fl = new FloodLight();

//this takes to parameters. first parameter is the `key`, second is the description
let cmd = fl.addCommand("g", "Search Something in google");

//Implement a function that would handle the query. Takes one parameter
let implementSearchInGoogle = function(obj) {
    location.href = "https://www.google.com/search?q=" + encodeURI(obj.query)

//Add the action for a command. Takes in a string array, a description and a function
cmd.addAction(["query"], "search {query} in google", implementSearchInGoogle);

//Start floodlight. It will start listening

Multiple Commands - Add Social media search shift+s

The below code implements a social search using floodgate. It will listen for the shift+s key. It attaches two actions to one command.

let fl = new FloodLight();
let cmdSocial = fl.addCommand("s", "Search user name in social media");

//Adding twitter
let implementSearchTwitter = function(obj) {
    location.href = "https://twitter.com/" + encodeURI(obj.query)
cmdSocial.addAction(["query"], "search {query} in twitter", implementSearchTwitter);

//Adding facebook
let implementSearchFB = function(obj) {
    location.href = "https://www.facebook.com/" + encodeURI(obj.query)
cmdSocial.addAction(["query"], "search {query} in facebook", implementSearchFB);
//Start floodlight. It will start listening

Multiple Params, Multiple Commands - Add, Subtract, Multiply two or three numbers cmd+x or ctrl+x

The below code implements arithmetic operation. It will listen for the ctrl+x key. It accepts more than one param.

let fl = new FloodLight();
let cmdCal = fl.addCommand("ctrl+x", "Provide comma separated numbers");

//Add 2 numbers
let add = function(obj) {
    alert(Number(obj.num1) + Number(obj.num2))
cmdCal.addAction(["num1", "num2"], "{num1} + {num2}", add);

//Subtract 2 numbers
let sub = function(obj) {
    alert(Number(obj.num1) - Number(obj.num2))
cmdCal.addAction(["num1", "num2"], "{num1} - {num2}", sub);

//Multiply 3 numbers
let mul = function(obj) {
    alert(Number(obj.num1) * Number(obj.num2) * Number(obj.num3))
cmdCal.addAction(["num1", "num2", "num3"], "{num1} x {num2} x {num3}", mul);


Floodlightjs gives you control over how the UI elements look. You can pass a class for advanced handling or use simple colors.


let config = {
    paramSeparator: " " //search box will break multiple inputs using space. Default is ','
let fl = new FloodLight(config);

Simple theme set

By default it will autodetect browser theme

let config = {
    theme: "dark" //or light
let fl = new FloodLight(config);

Simple Colors light or dark theme

let config = {
    theme: {
        dark:{ //light or dark
            primary: "#111",
            secondary: "#231e24"
let fl = new FloodLight(config);

Add your class

let config = {
    cssClassPrefix: "fooclass"

//It will add this prefix in all the UI elements
let fl = new FloodLight(config);

Add your CSS

//Once added you can handle CSS like this
    /*Main Overlay Component*/
    /*Main Component*/
    /*Search Component*/
    /*Dropdown Component*/
    /*Items Component*/
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