Kener needs some environment variables to be set to run properly. Here are the list of environment variables that you need to set.
1linkexport PUBLIC_KENER_FOLDER=/path/to/a/directory
Defaults to 3000 if not specified
1linkexport PORT=4242
A github token to read issues and create labels
1linkexport GH_TOKEN=your-github-token
To talk to kener apis you will need to set up a token. It uses Bearer Authorization
1linkexport API_TOKEN=sometoken
While using API you can set this variable to accept request from a specific IP
1linkexport API_IP=
While using API you can set this variable to accept request from a specific IP that matches the regex. Below example shows an IPv6 regex
1linkexport API_IP_REGEX=^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$
If you set both API_IP and API_IP_REGEX, API_IP will be given preference
1linkexport MONITOR_YAML_PATH=/your/path/monitors.yaml
1linkexport SITE_YAML_PATH=/your/path/site.yaml
If you do not specify MONITOR_YAML_PATH or SITE_YAML_PATH it will take the values from /config/site.yaml and /config/monitor.yaml respectively
By default kener runs on /
but you can change it to /status
or any other path.
docker build
1linkexport KENER_BASE_PATH=/status