There are two types of badges
Shows the last health check was UP/DOWN/DEGRADED
Example in HTML
1link<img src="" />
Example in MarkDown
1link![Status Badge]([monitor.tag]/status)
Shows the 90 Day uptime by default. You can sinceLast
as query param to get uptime since last x seconds.
Example in HTML
1link<img src="" />
Example in MarkDown
1link![Uptime Badge]([monitor.tag]/uptime)
Example in HTML
1link<img src="" />
Example in MarkDown
1link![Uptime Badge]([monitor.tag]/uptime?sinceLast=900)
You can set different colors for badges and style.
1link![Earth Status](
1link![Earth Status](
1link![Earth Status](
You can change the style of the badge. Supported Styles are plastic
, flat
, flat-square
, for-the-badge
or social
. Default is flat
1link![Earth Uptime](
1link![Earth Uptime](
1link![Earth Uptime](
1link![Earth Uptime](
1link![Earth Uptime](